Depp has also received awards from outside the entertainment industry. In 2006, he received the Grand Vermeil Medal of the City of Paris[2] and the Children's Hospital Los Angeles "Courage to Care" award for entertaining children through his films and his advocacy for children and children's charities.[3][4] In 2012, he became the first male recipient of the CFDA Fashion Awards "Fashion Icon Award" for his eclectic sense of style.[5][6] In 2016, he received the inaugural Rhonda’s Kiss “Healing & Hope Award” for his support of and donations to causes helping those in need, especially in the field of cancer.[7][8] In 2022, he received the Gold Medal of Merit in Serbia.[9]
Depp was a guest of honor at the 2018 Zurich Film Festival where he attended the world premiere of his film Richard Says Goodbye and a ZFF Masters moderated discussion.[62][63] He also gave a ZFF Masters session and presented the documentary Crock of Gold: A Few Rounds with Shane MacGowan at the festival in 2020.[64][65] In August 2021, he was a honored guest at the 55th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival[66][67] where he introduced the Crock of Gold documentary and participated in a live discussion after the screening,[68][69] and also introduced the film Minamata.[70] In September 2021, before accepting the Donostia Award at the San Sebastián International Film Festival, he was a guest of honor at the Deauville American Film Festival[71][60] where he participated in a live public discussion on his acting career[72][73] and presented the French premiere of the film City of Lies,[72][74] in his third appearance at the Deauville festival on the 20th anniversary of his first appearance.[75] At Alice nella Città (an autonomous section of the Rome Film Festival) in October 2021, Depp presented the Puffins animated series and was surprised with the award for the "most beloved actor of all time" at the end of his masterclass on his acting roles.[76][77][43]
^Ryan, Amy (July 30, 2020). "Recall the Gold: The 2003 Best Actor Oscar race". Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on April 1, 2023. Retrieved March 6, 2025. Johnny Depp had the biggest hit among the contenders, with Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl's inventive, astonishing, hilarious Capt. Jack Sparrow, the first-ever nominated performance from a movie inspired by a theme park ride.
^Raja, Norine (February 27, 2025). "Johnny Depp parle français - Les meilleurs moments des César" [Johnny Depp Speaks French - Best César Moments]. Elle (in French). Archived from the original on January 9, 2015. Retrieved March 6, 2025. 1999. Johnny Depp reçoit un César d'honneur pour l'ensemble de sa carrière. L'acteur a pré-enregistré, avec l'aide de sa femme Vanessa Paradis, un discours en français sur magnétophone [1999. Johnny Depp receives an Honorary César for his entire career. The actor pre-recorded, with the help of his wife Vanessa Paradis, a speech in French on a tape recorder]
"Video - César 2010 – L'anecdote du jour: Johnny Depp a toujours la classe" [Video - César 2010 – Today's anecdote: Johnny Depp always has class]. Premiere (in French). February 11, 2010. Archived from the original on September 29, 2020. Retrieved December 19, 2024. Lors de la 24ème cérémonie des César, en 1999 [...] En couple avec Vanessa Paradis depuis 1998, il estime que sa maîtrise du français reste encore hésitante. Voilà qu'il sort un dictaphone de sa poche, sur lequel il a enregistré, dans un français plus que correct, son discours de remerciements. [At the 24th César ceremony in 1999 [...] In a relationship with Vanessa Paradis since 1998, he feels that his command of French is still hesitant. So he takes a dictaphone out of his pocket, on which he recorded, in more than correct French, his thank-you speech.]
^ abLeombruni, Lucrezia (October 18, 2021). "Johnny Depp: 'Con Edward mani di forbice ho capito che potevo fare cinema'" [Johnny Depp: “With Edward Scissorhands I realized that I could make cinema ”]. (in Italian). Alla fine della masterclass, una sorpresa speciale per Johnny Depp. All'attore è stato consegnato il Premio all'attore più amato di sempre. [At the end of the masterclass, a special surprise for Johnny Depp. The actor was given the award for the most beloved actor of all time.] At 7:04 in the video: "Johnny you are one of the most beloved artists ever in this country."
@MadRogChannel (October 17, 2021). "Johnny Depp a Roma: la sorpresa di attore più amato d'Italia e i bodyguard lo trascinano via!". (in Italian). auna sorpresa che Andrea Iervolino e Monica Bacardi gli hanno fatto alla fine della Masterclass, consegnandogli un premio perché, dopo un sondaggio...Johnny è risultato l'attore più amato d'Italia! [a surprise that Andrea Iervolino and Monica Bacardi gave him at the end of the Masterclass, giving him an award because, after a survey... Johnny was the most beloved actor in Italy!] Start of video: "Johnny you are one of the most beloved artists ever in this country."
Candioto, Renata (October 2021). "Johnny Depp presenta Puffins alla Festa del Cinema di Roma". Il Progresso (in Italian). Archived from the original on October 29, 2021. Retrieved January 6, 2025. 'un premio con una giuria che rappresenta 60 milioni di persone. È stata fatta una statistica e un'indagine dal festival Alice nella Città con le principali testate del settore in Italia, dove è emerso che Johnny è uno degli artisti più amati di sempre in Italia.' - Andrea Iervolino ["an award with a jury representing 60 million people. A statistic and a survey were done by the Alice nella Città festival with the main magazines of the sector in Italy, where it emerged that Johnny is one of the most beloved artists of all time in Italy." -Andrea Iervolino.]
^"Depp". inDeauville - The official website for Deauville. Retrieved November 2, 2024. Deauville Talent Award 2019 from the 45th American Film Festival
^Delepine, Louise (September 8, 2019). "En Images. Festival de Deauville: revivez l'hommage à Johnny Depp" [In Pictures. Deauville Festival: relive the tribute to Johnny Depp]. Ouest-France (in French). Il a reçu un hommage pour l'ensemble de sa carrière, hommage rendu par la présidente du jury Catherine Deneuve. [He received a tribute for his entire career, a tribute paid by the president of the jury Catherine Deneuve.]
^Mediaset Play Cult (May 22, 2020). "Hollywood alla conquista dei telegatti!" [Hollywood conquers the Telegatti!]. (Video) (in Italian). Mediaset. Depp appears at 1:49. Retrieved January 14, 2025. quando i migliori attori stranieri ricevono il Telegatto! [when the best foreign actors receive the Telegatto!]
^Oppo, Maria Novella (May 5, 1997). "Telegatti senza sorprese, vince sempre lo show" [Telegatti without surprises, the show always wins] (PDF). Gli Spettacoli. L'Unità (in Italian). Retrieved January 14, 2025. tra i premiati (per il cinema straniero in tv) il bellissimo Johnny Depp [among the award winners (for foreign cinema on TV) the beautiful Johnny Depp]