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2023 Swiss referendums

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2023 Swiss referendums

June referendums
18 June 2023
Implementation of the OECD/G20 project on special taxation of large groups of companies
Federal Act on Climate Protection Targets, Innovation and Strengthening Energy Security
Amendment to the COVID-19 Act

Yes   50–60%   60–70%   70–80%   80–90%
No   50–60%

Several referendums were held in Switzerland during 2023. The only national votes were held on 18 June, with subnational votes held on 12 March, 22 October (alongside the federal elections) and 26 November.[1]

March referendums


Although 12 March had been scheduled as a voting day, no national referendums were approved for the date.[2] However, cantonal referendums took place in Geneva (on a proposed increase in the tax rate on profits for large shareholders) and Basel-Stadt (on tax cuts).[2] The proposal in Geneva was rejected by 59% of voters, while the referendum in Basel passed with a large majority.[3]

June referendums


Three referendums were held on 18 June:[4]

  • On the Implementation of the OECD/G20 project: A constitutional amendment aiming to ensure that large international corporate groups are taxed at a rate of at least 15% as proposed by the OECD and G20.
  • On the Federal Act on Climate Protection Targets, Innovation and Strengthening Energy Security: A parliamentary proposal seeking to gradually reduce Switzerland's consumption of mineral oil and natural gas through financial support for those who replace their oil, gas or electric heating, and for companies that invest in climate-friendly technologies. The goal is for Switzerland to become climate neutral by 2050.
  • On the Amendment of 16 December 2022 to the COVID-19 Act: An amendment extending until mid-2024 the period of application for the legal provisions on certain measures in the COVID-19 Act [de] such as COVID certificates or imports of medicines for severe COVID-19 related diseases.


Question For Against Invalid/
Turnout Outcome
Votes % Cantons Votes % Cantons
Implementation of the OECD/G20 project on special taxation of large groups of companies 1,803,309 78.45 20+62 495,239 21.55 0 60,075 2,358,623 5,567,120 42.37 Approved
Federal Act on Climate Protection Targets, Innovation and Strengthening Energy Security 1,380,974 59.07 957,077 40.93 30,085 2,368,136 42.54 Approved
Amendment to the COVID-19 Act 1,438,216 61.94 883,778 38.06 43,160 2,365,154 42.48 Approved
Source: Federal Chancellery[5]


  1. ^ "Blanko-Abstimmungstermine". Federal Chancellery.
  2. ^ a b Bachmann, Helena (24 February 2023). "Everything that changes about life in Switzerland in March 2023". The Local. Retrieved 6 August 2023.
  3. ^ "Tax votes: Geneva says No, Basel City approves with vast majority". Swissinfo. 12 March 2023. Retrieved 6 August 2023.
  4. ^ "Popular vote on 18 June 2023". www.admin.ch.
  5. ^ "Volksabstimmung vom 18.06.2023" [Referendum on 18 June 2023] (in German).